Friday, July 27, 2007

Almost home!!!

I made it back! Well, to california at least. Turns out blogspot is banned on public computers in china, so I wasn't able to get on here. But I just got back this morning after leaving this afternoon (does that make any sense?) so it's been a very, very long day. I'm trying my best to stay awake but I think it's a losing battle. I just need to make it another 2 1/2 hours and then it's straight to bed at 9pm. Tomorrow I catch my plane home to michigan and begin what I'm sure will be a long adjustment period. I will post day by day details starting in the next couple of days. Hope someone is checking this still!


oh, and i caught a cold over there. i just love traveling while sick!


Laura said...

I'm still checking!! :)

j_r_k said...

Me too....can't wait for the sordid tales!