Monday, July 9, 2007

Birthday and departure

hello sportsfans! coming to you live from SF, the site of this year's MLB all-star game. too bad i'm not at the ballpark...

it was my birthday today. thanks to all of you who contacted me today. i really appreciate it! too bad i spent it cleaning out my deceased grandma's garage and painting a fence. you know it's a good day when your snot is black after it. the strangest thing today was how people in this city deal with garbage. you can't haul things to the dump (i think it's about 50 miles away.) what you do is take it to a transfer station in your county. what this amounts to is a giant warehouse that people dump all their trash in, right there on the floor. I have to say the air quality was not the best inside. talk about a dirty job.

enough labor. on to the vacation! i leave tomorrow for japan. as i am writing this i have a big smile on my face. the day has finally arrived! yeah!!!!! hopefully i will find enough computers over there to keep this blog up to date. otherwise, i'm keeping a paper log of my adventure and will copy it to the web upon first opportunity. so keep posted! (pics to follow after trip)

all right, i'm going to bed. up in 7 hours!

your truly,


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