Saturday, June 16, 2007

Matt gets hit on by a gay guy

Oh man.

Oh jeez.


Oh boy.


Tonight didn't exactly happen as planned. Though, I really didn't really have a plan. But if I did, it wouldn't involve anal sex. I don't really want to be crude or "non-asian" in this blog, but geez, what a night!

So I played another 4 hours gig at Schubergs tonight and I decide to hang out afterwards. So I'm talking to Kyle about life (the female manager) and she has to go to work. So I start to talk to this guy, Jerry (or maybe terry or barry or carrey or fairy or gary or larry or mary or perry or query or terry or wary or don't go near me) this guy from Ireland who seems cool. He wants to go to a bar down the street and hang out and I barely so yes. why...

I don't have gadar. I don't believe in gadar. But I do believe in intentions. In a predominantly heterosexual culture, you should really make sure that you are clear in your homosexual intentions. Dude did not.

It's actually kind of funny. In a "I didn't get my ass raped" kind of way. The guy kept wanting to buy me drinks but I said I had to drive. Dude didn't seem to care. He wanted me drunk. I kept saying no thank you but he still bought. I didn't drink but he kept buying. I've had many friends do the same thing so I thought, it's cool. He's just a drinker. He grabbed my hand and kissed it. He's European... It wasn't until I said I had to go and he said "my place or yours."

uh..............dude.................I'm going home.

I left. I got home. I sighed and laughed a little. I felt a little a bad. Can you imagine trying to meet a homosexual man in the middle of nowhere? But trying to get a dude drunk and then take him home is not cool.

The point of this is this:

Matt = oblivious

I think gay people are great. Just not when they are trying to get into my pants.


andrea said...

Hey man, just take it as a compliment--somebody thought you were cute!

(And if it turns into assault, that's when you get to use your 'rape horn!')

andrea said...

"trying to get a dude drunk and then take him home is not cool."

Wait, that's why it didn't work, all those times I tried to get dudes drunk....

Mike Moresi said...

Talk about memorable or something...
I'm with you on the gadar thing too. There was a guy in Spanish class last term that apparently was. Thankfully, he wasn't interested. I found out like 4-5 weeks after the class got going. Me = oblivious too. Maybe we just don't loook for stuff like that I guess. Oh well.
Have a good day!