Saturday, June 23, 2007

Oregon, here I come and why NWA sucks

Hello campers!

I am in the last 36 hours before I make the trek to Oregon. Packing is going slowly as I'm not entirely sure what to bring. I'm thinking a backpack and medium sized suitcase ought to do it but I can't shake the feeling that I'm going to leave something either important, necessary, or usefull behind. I went to the doctor this week to get some antibiotics and sleeping pills and ended up coming away with two different sets of antibiotics, de-worming medicine, and no instructions on when to use either. Plus, the stupid doctor said I wouldn't need sleeping pills. Something tells me that the 9-12 hour time differences yet to be encountered might disagree. But she was probably right to keep them out of my hands seeing as I would have immediatley downed half the pills with a bottle of whiskey. I mean come on, isn't that how they work???

Now while the lack of sleeping pills is surely an inconvience and delay (there are other doctors in the sea), the recent change of my flight by NWA has me steamed. For the second time in 7 months, they have cancelled my 10:30 AM flight and rescheduled for 7 AM. 7 AM isn't all that bad but when you consider I have to be up at 4 AM to make my flight, that really grinds my pickle. Add on a 700+ dollar price tag, an hour on the phone to confirm my flights, and the added layover hours and I'm really hoping someone other than NWA flys to Klamath Falls sometime soon. I have had nothing but bad experiences with NWA. At least it's a different airline to Asia!

Received my travel backpack in the mail a couple of weeks ago and have to say I'm liking it more and more. While it's a little bulky, it's also lightweight and comfortable. Here are a couple of video links showing what the bag is made for:

I've also added a link to my friend Jeremy's blog. He's spending the summer in Senegal and always has witty and intelligent things to say. Sometimes. Well, on occasion. He really tries!

peace out, yo.

1 comment:

j_r_k said...

Dude...bit of travel advice....bring a hankerchief. (spelling?) The Hitch-hiker's guide to the Galaxy says a towel is your best friend, but frankly, I find the the hankerchief less bulky.

You're sweating? No prob. Use the 'chief. Washed your hands and no towel? No prob. Use the 'chief. Need a napkin? Need a little cloth bag? Tie the ends together...boom. There's your bag.

Need some toilet paper? Use something else. You don't want to use the 'chief for that.